Friday, September 19, 2008

3507 1

I scanned my grid last night, and didn't upload it to flickr straight away, so you'll have to wait to see my unfortunate grid for this one.

After saying early in the year that I can usually solve numerical Listeners, Oyler and now Elap have had their ways with me! And I saw what I presume is the theme quickly - the first few numbers I got and the title of the puzzle gave it away, it's calculatot language, entering 07734 in a calculator and looking at it upside down gives "hello". So 53704 918 (or 618 at the end) would give BIG HOLES.

I was off to a really quick start...

14 down (Q) is a factorial, the only 4 digit factorial is 5040 (7!)
6 down: O! plus a few fiddly bits gives a 7-digit number, so O has to be 10 (can't be 9)
3 across: W = 3T = 3O + T, is now an algebra equation 3T = 30+T, T = 15, W=45
32 across: U = TO + 2T, so U is 180
This means since V - OU = 7, V has to be 1807, and goes in 28 down
Having both halves of 32 across, H=18 (and since 26 across is OY + OK + A, A has to end in 1)
35 across is AUU + PQ + U and is ---7-80. The only A that fits this pattern and ends in 1 is A=51
This makes 2D H+A+TH = 339, and since 1D is OOE +2V and has to end --14, E is 19, and 1D is 5514

And that is where I came to a grinding halt... 1ac is EYY + O + E + A, and solving 19Y^2 + 80 = 534-- means Y is 53... from there I tried to work on K and R and didn't get a good solution for either.

The puzzle looks great, and I've racked my brain to see where I could go next, I'm sure I'm missing something simple.

So that's a victory to Elap and the Listener Crossword. Current tally: Listener 16, George 19. Current streak, Listener 1.

Now off to find out where I was wrong and print off the eagerly-anticipated, triple-barrelled Listener 4000 (gulp).


George the Bastard said...

and wouldn't you know it, within moments I knew it - K had to end in 7 and that left one possibility... should have looked at the possibilities for 2137+10K = -5-07. Grrrrrr

Anonymous said...

I had had a miserable attempt at the last numerical puzzle, so needed a confidence boost. I didnt twig the theme until quite a long way in, but managed to get there with some applications of my high school mathematics, inequalities and simultaneous equations. A nice mathematical moment was that I hadnt realised there was only one 4 digit factorial.

This was the first time I have ever been moved to send a solution in - alas not this time a winner!