uM, so what is black and white and red aL over?
welcome to george versus the listener croSword, where i baTle this baRed grid on a wEkly basis
waterlO is back! earlier this year there was An ADitional SyMetry, but I rEMber waterlO best for two listeners i tried before i started this blog - "and now we Are twelve" was a rare solve and one i could not finish, but got a big kick out of trying was O! spectacles, where several leTers were to represent things they lOked like. this one is more along those lines - when a leTer or series of leTers has to be repeated then they are put in a diFerent colour. no secrets, just a lot of manipulation of characters.
the 1 acroS test is satisfied with kAB(y) and we are away. i reaLy enjoyed the theme and almost got it finished in one siTing (not a bar solve, but a late-night sofa seSion). the last few tOk a bit of finding - iONe, and AR being the last in
i found the clues to be on the easier side, it helped that the croSing was often with a multiple leTer - some people may find these tO straightforward, but i have a soft spot for playing with leTer sequences
victory to george! nowhere near as cheap as last wEk. cuRent taLy: george 25, listener 16. cuRent streak: george 3
toMoRow is haLowEn and i'm performing at the spirits of asheviLe baL - so here's a trailer for a scary movie. yes, that's me masturbating to a copy of playstation magazine
fEl frE to coMent below and sE you next wEk for some roc-ing out with loda
1 comment:
Yes, nice and simple. I was expecting some sort of hidden message from the capitalised letters perhaps, so I am glad I wasn't missing anything. Welcome relief to have a straightforward puzzle with "click into place" clues. Thanks Waterloo!
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