The inspiration for this blog was to be a little bit of a lowlife version of Listen with Others, which was started by Samuel, so he's a reader and occasional email correspondent, and there's a little pressure on when one of his Listeners appears. Fortunately, I've had a bit of luck and the last two (Motion, and The Cause of Much Pain) came out pretty nicely.
Hey, the grids got little circles in them. And it looks a bit like a pachinko machine. Could be some letter swirling going on here. Although that was in the back of my mind from the very start, I wasn't sure if it would be all that easy. Preamble sounds rather generous - two consecutive letters must be removed, leading to a rather long message. Long messages aren't my forte, but when you have to take two letters out of each clue then they're probably going to stick out.
And they do in 1 across - B,IA,S and we've got EN to start with and we're away.
The day this Listener came out was a rather happy one for me. I'm running a series of comedy shows over summer, and we serve beer at them because things are funnier with beer. Catatonia makes me hilarious. So the day this came out, my assigned task was to go meet with brewers and talk about sponsorships and beer options. Most of the time I had to wait to meet with the boss, so the only polite thing to do was to buy a beer, open up Playtime, and away we go.
First stop was The Wedge Brewery. They were having production limits and couldn't supply us, but I enjoyed a few of their Iron Rail IPA and got most of the top half of the grid filled. The clues are very well-written and fun, I like that most of them make sense when you remove the letters (I guess some abbreviations are necessary). I particularly liked clues where the last letter of one word and the first of another were removed, such as 15 across SHARPS FACE becoming SHARP ACE.
At French Broad Brewing (their Altbier wasn't on tap but 13 Rebels makes a fine replacement), I worked on the message to try to sort out the bottom half. It was those last 9 down clues that were stumping me, trying to get real words (if you can see on my scan, the only one I was sure of was 29 down - I started working out letter combinations on the second page of the printout which is where those clues were). Finally I had the last part of the message - WH EE LS HA LF TU RN. I still didn't have a solution to 27 across, 25 down, 28 down, 29 down 31 down or 26 down. Maybe Samuel listened to the argument that the easy clues are at the end most of the time and put the hard ones there?
Next stop was Green Man Brewing (who lack a website) - their production bar is called Dirty Jacks and is an interesting gathering spot for Asheville's soccer fans (is it true that Setanta sports shut down? the two TVs at Dirty Jacks have been set to Fox Sports Soccer and Setanta forever).
Did I mention that Asheville was also named Beer City USA recently?
Green Man were testing out a Pub Ale, so I gave it a go (they haven't quite worked out how to get a nice head on it, but kudos for trying). I had a small crowd gathered around me trying to figure out why on earth I was copying a crossword from one grid to another and ending up with something that looked like gibberish. I had almost all the grid done, and there it was - EUREKA, I'VE GOT IT, and ARCHIMEDES appear when the words form. The P falls through the wheels and ends up on the bottom (right side up, might have been an interesting twist to have one more wheel and have a P end up a D), and with P--NYA-R-P-, I was thinking PENNY ARCADE, but that's not two groups of five letters, so it's PENNY DROPS. I put in PENNY drops and went back to the first grid to figure out those last few clues (I hope I'm right).
Here's the end result

This was on the easier side, but I really liked re-copying the grid, and the way the messages appeared. Another fun day with beer and Samuel! Speaking of which, for a short time there was a drinking version of a Pachinko/Plinko machine that a friend got for me before they were forced to remove it from the shelves. You drop little counters into shot glasses. I tried using my old digital cam to make a movie of it - the sound doesn't work and the production values are shoddy, but in honor of this Listener, here's DRINKO!
Victory for George! 2009 tally - George 17, Listener 7. Current streak: George 3.
Feel free to leave comments, and see you next week for some Intimacy with Bandmaster (did he really mean that?).
My family and I like it when the Listener crossword is finished by Saturday evening, so well done Samuel.
Very pleasant crossword, very sound do-able clues and an accessible theme. Just how I like it.
Why, oh why, have I never got a job which involved discussing beer sponsorship? I have so much to learn in every way.
PS - lovely to see RANI make another appearance. Must be a candidate for the most clued word!
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