Friday, May 15, 2009

I can't paint dogs playing poker in 77 squares!

Greetings from sunny Melbourne - no scanned grid this week, but it wouldn't make for fascinating reading, the thing is almost empty. I pounded my head against many blunted surfaces to tery to make any progress whatsoever.

Intriguing preamble - misprints in definitions, leading to charades in other languages and other artists. Down clues in order, across clues in alphabetical order of answers with one missing (a check of the letters show s that there's a seven-letter answer missing, probably the one right in the middle of the grid).

With this much thematic information and help, you'd think a grid would appear, but I am troolyrooly stuck! I started with the down clues, thinking that I could place them at least, but the only four of them came to me through cold solving - S(CAD)S (misprint heAps), prOVOLOne (misprint partly Ovoid), ODDER (RED,DO rev - misprint comparitively fisHy), and (d)ADDY - (misprint Adelaide lEss formally). So that gave me virtually nothing to go on for the across clues, of which I could also only cold solve 5! ARAISED - put Up art; D,ONE - finE; NODDY - inveRted pendulum; SO,DA - joHn collins and WELL,TOD,O - loTs of money. I could have a stab that ADDY and NODDY cross, ARAISED goes in the bottom left since it can't cross OVOLO and I think that centre spot is reserved for the unclued entry.

Next step was to look for misprint candidates to maybe decipher a message. My guesses for the acrosses were U-M-RTEMD-U--RH-T- and for downs SEAR-TOAOR-H---GR-EN--RE, which migth mean GREEN somewhere (CasE might be presented to this?).

Shackleton, you well and truly have the better of me! I am off to find the error of my ways. Victory to the Listener Crossword

2009 tally: Listener 4, George 13. Current streak, Listener 1

Feel free to leave comments - I won't be online much for replies.


Duncan said...

G'day mate! I am glad you made it safely from one colony to another!

I stared at a virtually bank grid for nearly a week, having one of my "Listener moments" before one or two answers came into place, and then they all seemed to tumble out. It isn't often I completely sort out all the twists and turns in a Listener, but I was pleased to do this one. I noticed lot of Ds early on, and for once this proved to be a feature.

I didn't get the title though - any ideas?

I suspect my blogging will be a little impaired as a brand new puzzle of my own emerged on Monday - I forgive her for another blank grid this week!

Anonymous said...

I assume the title is just expressing the view that Pollock is a load of rubbish. Jason