My copy of Bradford's arrived last year in the same week that the solution was published to Tea Leaves' last Listener (Band on the Run), so it was one of the first puzzles that I started to get closer to a full grid on. I was looking forward to this, and although I'm really flummoxed by what had to happen at the end, I spent a lot of time having fun here.
OK - double clues, one goes in the grid in pencil (I'm not much of a pencil fan, i was going to do it in pen and then start a fresh one for the second part - though I think it probably means things are going to be erased and the final grid has some blank spaces). There's 38 whopping clues to be solved cold with the answers falling into five groups.
My approach was to solve as many as I could and see if I could get the first grid before moving on to these sets and a hidden message. I'm at my best with normal clues, normal entry (who isn't), so it only took me two sessions to come up with the grid before you. Once I started the grid - with the rather helpful starting point being 5 across (CEDAR, hidden and SET,UP) crossing 7 down (HAG,LET - and a bird fitting with the title, PLAN,E-T) giving only one option, I looked through the clues for the half that fit in the grid.
So, complete grid, and I think I know the five categories - I had found five games (four of which are card games- is CHESS a card game too?), five birds, seven containers, five colors (NANKEEN refers both to the cloth and a color), and four trees/plants.
The title seems to hint that the birds are going to be the group of ten (and two of the clues that I have left to solve have types of birds in them, probably the definitions). So if I eliminate CRANE from the first five extra answers, it looks like I can make NEW by taking the first letter of NANKEEN, then second letter of CEDAR, third letter of PAWPAW... and that's it.
Even knowing that I'm looking for birds, games, colors or trees, there's 12 I can't figure out...
13: Plane might be indicating a tree... C-----
15: The second half of this clue is making my head hurt - I was thinking a game with a girl's name
27: Second half of clue again. Do I just have mental blanks on 10-letter words?
29: SOT/SOP in IOU makes nothing
30: Six letter French girl? Maybe the name of a game
33: There's a bird called a RURU that might fit here
34: I thought this was CRATE originally, but I already have seven containers
35: ----ISA = hollow?
my unknowns come in bunches, which is killing me on trying to find that message
2: I can't wait to find out the answer, because that is an awesome surface... "smack heroin in poison"
6: Is this WHITE?
19: Kite is usually ELANET, it probably is here too but I can't see why
23: If this involved the name of a rugby plater I'm done for, the only two I know are Mel Meninga and Wally Lewis
25: completely stuck, can't even find a likely definition.
Tea Leaves, you have foiled me again! Victory Listener crossword and the race is ever so tight with just a few puzzles to go. Listener 21, George 20. Current streak, Listener 1.
I still think that this has something to do with erasing or moving the names of the birds (though I can't find CRANE in the grid), which made me think of the Peter Gabriel/Laurie Anderson collaboration "Excellent Birds/This is the Picture".
now to go find out what I did wrong...
I was stumped too. This was a perfect example of the type of Listnener which really annoyed me. I hate having to solve clues with no help, as you had to with the second of each of these. Admittedly, the clues in this puzzle weren't too bad, but even with all the spare clues solved, I couldnt track a message in them. I am not a happy bunny. Having just checked the solution, I can see that the title gave a hint, and perhaps I should have made a better attempt. Oh well.
I just went through the solution as well, I was pretty close, but still no cigar, and I think if I'd gotten CHENAR (which I remember seeing in Bradfords and thinking it might have been right) then I would have gotten two words of the phrase and been on my way.
There's a few typos on the Listener solution site, but probably no more than there are here.
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