This is a little later than usual because I'm recovering from a rather impressive Thanksgiving feast. Americans know how to do gluttony and I'm more than willing to do my part. And here we go with Songspiel by Dysart, and remember what happened last week with seeing the theme almost straight away and then finding I couldn't finish the puzzle even with the thematic elements in place... well it may have happened again. Quick start, long struggle to a finish.
This appears to be my first puzzle by Dysart - I see in the Listener archives a 2006 puzzle I don't recall attempting. Edit: I had overlooked "Mercury's Whereabouts" earlier this year in which I got absolutely nowhere.
Down clues, misprints in letters in the definition, alternating sequence spelling out a musical piece (nice twist). Answers to be modified... well I guess it's time to work on that musical piece then.
Promising start - look for odd words... 1 down looks like SMOOCHING should be SMOOTHING - can't see the answer yet.
2 down, the wordplay looks like OIMLA or OIDIA, it turns out OIDIA is the plural of a disease of GRAPES
3 down, misprint looks pretty obvious - LESS relaxed, so TEN(=NET<=),SER Already, my set of misprints/original letters would be THE or CEA... so I know the pattern. I put little circles next to the down clues so I know where I'm looking for a letter to change 4 down - TAME looks like its ripe for the altering, not sure what the answer is 5 down - has to be SITTING SAT, making it TES,TEE 7 down - can't see it, but MIME looks awkward 8 down - the misprint looks like it should be "unstimulating to EAT", an anagram search turns up INSULSE And already we have THE TIME... which makes me think it's THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN' - it has the right number of letters, and the song addresses writers, critics, senators, congressmen, fathers and mothers - six groups! So I write the alternating misprints/in my circles. We've already had "lost time" this year so it seems reasonable that we should have some changed time - either the letter T or words meaning time.
So I charged through the down clues and then back to the acrosses and found I was on the right track - an easy place to see was 37 d (WAN,T - LACK) crossing with 37 across (TEENY). Changing the T to the clashing letter made both entries real words. I still had a real struggle to fill in the grid, I wasn't familiar with a lot of these words so it was multiple hunt and peck sessions through Chambers and Bradfords. I made a lot of this hard on mysef, without thinking I wrote in URINARY for 27, thinking that RARY would be a showy plant, where of course it was the much more straightforward ROSE making URINOSE.
The T's on the top row can resolve themselves into BOB DYLAN, and that left a grid with all real words and no Ts.
The last part... hmmm... that guy who needed the spellchecker SPENSERis in 26 across, so there's the writers taken care of. 39 down GOV is our senators and congressmen gone. ONASSIS is there at 14, I assume that's the mother. 19 or 18 could be our fathers, so I hope I'm right in saying there's no critic represented in the grid - my missing group.
I'm not 100% on that final step, so I might have to correct the tally in the comments, but for now I'm calling this a win for George - current tally George 22, Listener 21, current streak George 1.
I'll admit, I'm not much of a Bob Dylan fan... I can't find an online clip of Eric Bogle singing this song, but this guy with a guitar does a pretty decent job (needs help with his microphone levels).