Friday, October 10, 2008

Listener 4000: saved for a rainy week

It has not been the best of three weeks. Two illnesses, two trips out of town, writing a show , and a couple of performances have really eaten into my crossword time.

Listener 4000 looks like a work of art, and it wasn't until a second look at it that I realised the "individual" crosswords occupy the same space. I don't want to do a half-assed job on it, so I'm not going to look at the answers, and I'll be saving Listener 400 for a rainy week (maybe a week-long trip I have to Houston in December).

I'm calling this a timed-out failure. Listener 18, George 20. Current streak, Listener 2.


Anonymous said...

Well George you have a real treat in store for you. Be warned though, a week may not be long enough!


Anonymous said...

Robert is right. I have just surrendered on it, but quite pleased having "cracked" all of the themes apart from a piece of "Belligerent". It was interesting to see how many correct returns there were in the time; my hearty congratulations to anyone who managed it by the deadline. Amazing puzzle, keeping me frusrated for many weeks!