So close, and yet so far...
I made a promising start on this one, after my first sitting, I had a dozen or so clues in, and had found a few of the clashing points. If you're compiling a crossword and want to make me happy, have 1ac be a long word that is easy to get, makes me feel smart. Working from GLOSSES OVER and an equally gentle first clashing letter in 6 down (REND), I had a half-filled out grid by midweek.
I started looking at the theme at this point, extra letters in the wordplay... if you look carefully at the top of my grid you can see where I was. I had...
A - - R - - U I - E - - R O - - AN
I have had some lucky guesses in the past, so I was hoping the last part was EURPOEAN, and a look at 33a gave me more hope - (PRO)<= + RA gives me ORRA and a P, and now knowing the extra letters, I filled out the bottom half of the across clues, wheee!
- U I - E looked like GUIDE, and a peer through Chambers gave me EMERAUDE as a version of EMERALD, and there's my extra G from EMERGE(=came out).
Very excited by this point, all I have to do is take care of
Blank well and truly drawn. 11 across looks like TRIENE, and would you believe, as I'm typing this blog I think I see it now... I had TRIUNE - U + ER = TRIENE + R, and it was probable meant to be TRIBUNE - U + E(?) = TRIENE + B
So I was stuck at A R-R- GUIDE EUROPEAN, which I took to either be RARE or RIRE (still on that French kick from last week).
RIRE seemed the best bet, so I looked for words meaning to laugh or joke in other languages. No dice. I went to the preamble and thought maybe European words for "THE" was what I was looking for - naturally a lot of LA's and LE's. If the R is a B then I'm probably looking for birds, though I don't see any.
Congratulations to Mr. Lemon - I am undone, the streak is ended at 4, and I tuck my tail between my legs and hide in a corner. So near and yet so far...
Tally: Listener 4, George 6